I dropped the ball on this last month, but I would like to keep this going. So, a reminder about the rules:
1) Promote whatever you want by leaving a comment.
2) You cannot, under any circumstances, promote anything for me.
I'll leave this post up for the next few days. Don't be shy if you haven't commented on this blog before - this is a great way to reach a new audience, even if it's only a drive-by commenting.
I'm promoting the kick-ass thriller, Fifty Grand, by Adrian McKinty. I will be posting a joint review on this book shortly, but for now, I'll say this: it's a great story that really moves.
Does that mean I can't mention that there will be a nice shiny commercial for the print version of the tome...The Unearthed?
Or how about if I just mention our website at www.ghostwriterpublications.com?
You might see a cover of the forthcoming title though...thanks Brian....and start saving your pennies people.
"The Narrow Gate: A Journey Through Identity, Belief and Perception" is an exceptionally thought provoking narrative about universal law.
Ah Neil, you are one to break the rules, aren't you?
Thanks for stopping by. I'm so excited to see the commercial, and even more excited to get my hands on a print version of the book.
I could go on and on about Ghostwriter Publications, but that would be self-promoting in a sense, so that will have to wait for another post.
JP - That book sounds very interesting.
Opinionated South African genre fiction author and editor Nerine Dorman blogs at http://nerinedorman.livejournal.com
Find out about life on the Darkest Continent and be the first to hear when KHEPERA RISING, a South African gothic fantasy, comes available at the end of this year.
Here is info on two of my current books, all available through Double Dragon Publishing.
THE CHRIST PROJECT: (Science Fiction) -- "Let us Pray!" In the not-to-distant future, the earth is a war-torn wasteland. Surviving a terrible thirty-year conflict known as The Great War, the citizens of the planet are controlled by an insane United Nations. Using what is left of NATO, the UN enforces its laws, hoping to rebuild the world. There is a catch: all religions are now against the law. Since religion was blamed for the last war, the UN wants to make sure that God has nothing more to do with the politics of the world. Mankind has entered a new Dark Age. But, like the early Christians of ancient Rome, an underground resistance has been formed. Just released from an Alaskan Gulag, Marcellus has served twenty years for heading a Christmas Mass as one of the last Bishops of the catholic Church. His mission now is to enact a secret program lost in the Vatican Files, known only as "The Christ Project." Facing NATO soldiers, terrible cannibalistic robots called Exos, forever-spying probes called Sentries, the dead zones on earth known as The Wastelands, and twelve mysterious clones known only as "The Templars", Marcellus uses the powers of science to bring about "The Second Coming."
STILL WATERS: (Horror) -- "Once they said God himself could not sink her!" The Maiden voyage of the Titanic was to be the toast of Europe. Filled with the richest people in the world, there was no end to the trip's possibilities. At least, that is what Archaeologist Dennis Parker thought. The voyage was soon interrupted by a series of grisly murders. The type not seen since Jack the Ripper. All hands on the ship were baffled at who the murderer was. Dennis seemed to know. Could the murderer be his cargo? Could the murderer be a 3,000 year-old mummy? Could it be the curse? A haunting and mysterious tale of the Titanic's demise, STILL WATERS explores the idea that this disaster is only a taste of humility for an arrogant race. The rush of a proud seafaring country to surpass the luxury of "common" ocean liners. This is a thrilling tale of murder, intrigue, and ancient curses aboard the notorious Titanic on her ill-fated maiden voyage.
Both titles can be ordered at my website:
or at: http://www.double-dragon-ebooks.com/
Both titles are available in ebook and paperback formats. Any and all commentary is welcome. Good reading! :-)
Thanks for stopping in. Not sure if you write crime fiction set in South Africa, but if you do, you should make the acquaintance of one Peter Rozovsky. He writes a wonderful and informative blog on international crime fiction here.
Hi, Brian. Thanks for doing this!
I'm Cat Grant, one of Brian's fellow authors at Lyrical Press. Come visit my blog at: http://catgrant.blogspot.com/ and check out my websiteL http://www.catgrant.com.
My Courtland Chronicles series of m/m/f erotic romances is now available at Once Upon a Bookstore and All Romance e-books! ;)
Brian, you heated (that's my v-word, I swear - the verificator has obviously been influenced by the little discussion on the other post) why don't you use this space to teach your numerous guests the secrets of the hyperlink?
Spread some love.
Hey Cat,
Good to hear from you! Hope all is well!
To be quite honest, I'm afraid I'll get it wrong while giving the tutorial and thus incur your Mediterranean wrath.
hyperlink tutorial:
(a href="whatever you want to link to")a description of the link (/a)
and change the above parentheses from ( and ) to < and >
(a href="http://brianorourke.blogspot.com/") Brian O' Rourke(/a)
changing ( ) with < >
Brian O' Rourke
From now on everyone who posts a normal link instead of an hyperlink we'll be mercilessly tracked down and executed.
will be.
Thanks Brian!
I thought I'd stop by to mention my novel Like Coffee and Doughnuts, which came out in May. It's an M/M erotic romance/mystery, featuring Florida P.I., Dino Martini and his best friend and mechanic, Seth Donnelly.
Check it out at Lyrical Press:
or visit my blog
Elle Parker
I wonder how you can make some money off all these tutorials you give. It could be a great way to raise campaign funds.
Nice v-word.
Ah...oops, didn't see your last comment. Sorry...
Elle Parker
No, no, that wasn't me. That was the infamous Marco, a.k.a. The Hyperlink Nazi. Keep an eye out in the near future. If you wake up next to a horse's head, you'll know he's found you and you might as well throw yourself upon his mercy.
Elle would have been the first in my hyperlink infractions list, but she gets a second chance because I approve of m/m whatevers. Killing spree momentarily averted.
Thank you, Marco
Just to make up and prove that I can be taught
Like Coffee and Doughnuts A Dino Martini Mystery
Elle Parker
Speculative fiction author, Frances Pauli, blogs about writing, getting published, and random related rants.
Info about her and upcoming releases at:
Hope Whispers is an inspirational anthology of short stories and poems illustrating the power of hope and faith in emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Deadline for submission is 6/30/09. Go to www.hopewhispers.com for details.
Uplift your spirit with "Angel's Dance: A Collection of Uplifting & Inspirational Poetry" by Lynn C. Johnston. Available at lynncjohnston.com, bn.com and Amazon.com
Thanks Brian!
Woman of Honor is a medieval fantasy romance novel about a girl who wants to become a knight to take her fallen brother's place. There's action, adventure, romance, even a wingless griffin.
Woman of Honor
Published by Desert Breeze Publishing
~Nicole Zoltack
Out of Her Dreams ~ a shameless self-promo here for my debut book.
This is hardly what you'd call a "deep and powerful work of heroic fiction" or "A novel of epic proportions", but it is a light and sometimes funny erotic romance.
Two antagonists enter the ring...a somewhat timid, emotionally and physically scarred romance writer... and an angry, intimidating, rather large pro wrestler. Not an equal match for a fight? You haven't met Sam Hastings. She's more than a match for the baddest man on the mats. She just doesn't know it 'til she takes him head on.
Thanks Brian!
I'm a.c.Mason a fellow Lyrical Press, Inc author you can check out my debut short novel.
AEQUITAS I: Betrayal
Paranormal Thriller
The Aequitas, part angel and demon, have kept the balance between the forces of good and evil—until now.
When Etienne Grant is kidnapped and transformed into an Aequitas, marriage to Auria is the only thing that will save his soul.
Auria is a beautiful but efficient Aequitas, a General who wants nothing to do with love. A former lover has plans to prevent any hope of happiness with her new husband, and after murdering his own best friend and forcing Auria to join his rebellion, the balance between good and evil spirals out of control.
Can Etienne's tenderness melt Auria's cold heart and heal the pain of their secret pasts? Their very survival depends on it.
Darkness ♀♂ Desires
Aequitas I: Betrayal
Be ready for the dark days ahead, this is only the beginning…
I'd like to promote my brother Gareth. He's off to Afghanistan in a couple of weeks. This will be his THIRD war and he's still only a lieutenant. He's a navy lieutenant which is the equivalent of an army captain but even so I think he could do with a promotion. Lt Commander is a good rank.
Your bro deserves the promotion. I hope his tour there is short and boring as hell.
I’m pleased to announce that my novels DREAMER and NIGHTMARE (originally published by Penguin/Putnam) are now available for the Kindle. Price: $1.79. They got great reviews. Go check them out!
DREAMER is available here: http://www.amazon.com/Dreamer-Novel-Silent-Empire/dp/B002DML10G
NIGHTMARE is available here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002ECF1R4
DREAMER is the first in the series, NIGHTMARE is the second. TRICKSTER and OFFSPRING will be available soon.
From the cover of DREAMER:
It is through first contact with an alien species that humanity learns of the Dream. It is a plane of mental existence where people are able to communicate by their thoughts alone–over distances of thousands of light-years. To ensure that future generations will have this ability, human genetic engineering produces newborns capable of finding and navigating the Dream. They become known as the Silent.
Rust is just one planet among many in the Empire of Human Unity. It’s nothing special, nothing unusual…except for the fact that it is home to an unknown boy who may be the most powerful Silent telepath ever born–a Silent with the ability to possess the bodies of others against their will. This mysterious child may be causing tremors within the Dream itself.
For now, only the Children of Irfan know about him. A monastic-like order of the Silent, the Children protect their members even as they barter their services with the governments and corporations that control known space. But power like that cannot be hidden, and soon every Silent in the universe will know about the boy–and every government will be willing to go to war to control him.
And if the Children of Irfan cannot find him first, the Dream itself may be shattered…
You can read the cover copy for NIGHTMARE here: http://sff.net/people/spiziks/kindle.html
–Steven Harper Piziks
Hello, all! I'm Lisa, a member of the IWOF Author Group, and I can never pass up the opportunity to offer a shameless plug.
I write a number of genres, but my erotic romances are currently available through Amazon, Fictionwise, Sony, and Ravenous Romance.
My erotic horror trilogy The Darkness and the Night follows one young woman's dark odyssey after surviving a vampire attack. If you're looking for an immediate "happily ever after" ending, this is not the series for you. It is dark and gritty, but also exciting and provocative.
My erotic sci-fi space adventure, Lust in Space just recently won Whipped Cream's reader poll for Book of the Week, and is a special treat for closet geeks who enjoy aliens, space ships, and inventive characters.
Please visit my website, The Cerebral Writer for more information. Thanks for the "plug," Brian! ;-)
Thanks for the invite from the IWOFA list. There's plenty of sci-fi erotica for them to plug into with my e-book "Battery Drain", the video to go along with the book is here. After that, my tattoo flash inspired clothing/merchandise line, available at the Daddy Lou Tattoo store
Wow, we're getting some great comments here. Thanks to all for stopping in.
And this marks the first time anyone has plugged a clothing/merchandise line on this blog. Very cool, Don Luis.
[Waves to fellow LP authors, and thanks Brian for this opportunity!]
Think about your first summer fling. What do you remember? The flutters in your heart when you thought about him? The giddy anticipation of seeing him? His shy touches or bold caresses? His laugher? The taste of his mouth? The smell of his skin? The heat in his gaze when he looked at you? Mmmm. Remember?
How many of you are still with your first fling? Not many, I'd bet. Since those flings didn’t end in happily ever after (aka marriage), do you still consider them romances?
I do. Which is where I was coming from when I wrote ^Hot Summer Fling,^ my erotic quick-read available at Lyrical Press.
At heart it’s the story of one woman’s gift to herself: a romance that fulfills her, body, mind, and soul. And as flings are meant to be, Lily and Jack’s is hot, erotic, and satisfying.
Fall into lust with ^Hot Summer Fling,^ then shoot me an email and tell me how it compares to your first hot fling. TZ
Sorry: what I should have said:
Toni Zuma's website
Welcome all fellow Lyricalites! Glad to see you all stopping by.
A lot of people here should count themselves grateful that yesterday saw the first reunion of the new City Council, and therefore my rightful anger will be channeled eleswhere for the foreseeable future.
Thanks for this opportunity, Brian! My shape-shifter urban fantasy "They Call Me Death" is available from Samhain Publishing in e-book format, and will be in print Dec. 1st. You can find excerpts and more info on my site www.msmissyjane.com
Hi Brian and his readers...
If you like sci fi, my new novel Extreme Liquidation is up for view at http://www.lyricalpress.com/extreme_liquidation
It's an FBI story with a paranormal twist....
Thanks all,
Gary Starta
Whoa, this thing is really growing, isn't it? And oddly, people seem very unchastened by the wrath of Marco. Oops, I meant the benevolence of Marco. Really I did. (All I can say is, thank god for Italian politics.)
Big huzzah to Gareth, by the way. I was surprised to hear he has another tour. I wish him a safe trip.
I have absolutely no irons in the fire at the moment, so I'll take this opportunity to mention what I learned on Gerard Brennan's blog (thank you, Marco) of a free e-book of short stories that Stuart Neville is offering to promote his new novel, which will be called The Ghosts of Belfast when it makes its way over here, but The Twelve on its home turf. Confusing, I know. But don't let it stop you from downloading the story collection here.
Nice linkage there. I'll have to check those short stories out.
And I too am surprised about everyone's non-chalance toward Marco. If only they knew, if only they knew. But I'm even more surprised by Marco's benevolence in this matter. He is a true humanitarian.
Well thanks for stopping by everybody. As always, it was a blast.
Sweet idea, Brian. I'll bite. I'll promote my speculative fiction collection:
Finding Creatures & Other Stories, by C. June Wolf.
From the introduction by Charles de Lint:
“Wolf uses different genres, different voices, different cultures—in short whatever she needs to make the story work. What ties it all together is her sure-handed prose and a depth she brings to her writing, that indefinable element that rises up from between the lines and gives a good story its resonance…
“…rather than my trying to convince you to buy it, let me ask you instead to pass it around when you’re done. Talk about the stories that moved you, about Wolf’s voice, and her gift of storytelling.
“I want this book to be a success because I want to look forward to reading more new stories by her for many years to come.
“And so should you.”
—from the introduction by Charles De Lint, author of The Onion Girl and Dingo.
Hi Brian. I'm a new member of IWOF Author's Group and my debut novel is a paranormal romance about a lusty vamp entitled Retribution! The Champion Chronicles: Book 1.
If you're looking for something a bit deeper in romance, please check it out. Heat level: spicy.
It has a 5 STAR reader review over at Amazon. Some pretty strong review site reviews too. Book Two in the series should be out late 2009.
Here's some info for interested individuals. Retribution! - The road to redemption is a bumpy ride... www.Mflagg-author.com
Thanks for the opportunity to spread the word. Writing's one thing - good promo another.
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