...but they can't make you get a license to become a parent.
No, this picture isn't a still capture from Ridley Scott's Alien. (Besides, we all know if I was going to post a picture from that franchise, it'd be from Cameron's Aliens, which is the better film.)
This is, in fact, a picture from an ultrasound performed on the wife last month. Jenna, I'm proud and happy to say, is currently in the eye of the storm, her second trimester, and her expected due date is none other than New Year's Eve.
December 31st might sound like a great birthday, but I feel bad for the kid. Why? Well, my birthday is January 3rd, and every year I was constantly barraged by the "double-gift," i.e. a gift that doubled as my Christmas and birthday presents.
But seriously, we're both ecstatic, and I still haven't quite wrapped my brain around the sheer life-changing enormity of this event.
So excited to hear this thrilling news! Huge congratulations to Jenna and you. Parenthood is indeed life-changing, but I know you will step into it with ease. Bright blessings to the three of you.
Again Congrats Brian.... you'll make great parents.
Congrats, Brian - I guess that's why you organized the baseball match - fatherhood will definitely bring a end to your "career"!
I'll raise a glass or two for you tonight (like I needed an excuse ehm)
Thanks for that. We're both very excited.
Well, at least one of us will make a great parent ;)
The professional career is over, but that's not to say I can't come out of retirement every now and then, right?
Your whole life is going to change.
For, er, the better of course.
Thanks, brother. I guess this means I have to become a responsible adult now...
I dont know about reponsible, I have two kids in school in Australia and a little over a week ago I was walking around Belfast, Northern Ireland at 12:30 at night drunk out of my mind, trying to find a taxi so that I could go 8 miles to my mum's house in Carrickfergus so that I could get a few hours shut eye before getting up at 5.00 to catch a 6.30 international flight.
That's pretty impressive.
No really you can still have a life is my point.
But only after they turn about 3.
One time I was burping bairn #2 over my shoulder and she did a little puke on my T shirt, so I took it off and kept burping her and then she did a gigantic puke which ran down my spine and under my sweatpants and between my ass cheeks. I then had the experience of cleaning someone else's vomit out of my ass which probably hasnt happened since Caligula's day.
Nice imagery.
BTW, how is the wean feeling this week? Much better, I hope.
right as rain, Bri thanks for asking.
I've been traveling a bit and haven't been hitting the blogosphere in my usual work avoidance sort of way, so I entirely missed this! Very, very exciting. I think you guys are going to be fabulous parents. Seems odd, as we've never actually met, but I just have that kind of feeling about it. Please extend my best wishes to Jenna.
Also, I think you are probably going to be able to manage the vomit control a little better than Adrian has. Although if you put on your best shirt and are headed out the door to an important event, that shirt to a baby is like a red flag to a bull. Just a warning.
Hey Seana,
Thanks for that. We're both very excited, and I really hope you're right and that we'll make good parents. I have no doubt about Jenna, but as for me...
Where'd you spend time recently?
Back to Wisconsin for one family reunion, and then down the coast to the Monterey Peninsula for a memorial service that ended up being a reunion on the other side of the family. Both were really good, although obviously one had a sadder undertone, and let's just say that I feel really connected to my roots...
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